Sunday, April 12, 2009

How to Protect Your Corn Against Insects

By Matthew James

Insects pose the number one threat to your corn. After you have done all that work to plant your corn, once it starts growing, it will attract insects who will eat it and lay eggs inside it. This will ruin your crop. You want to make sure you follow these tips so that you safeguard your corn against insects and don't lose one husk to these predators.

The three primary pests that threaten to destroy your crop are animals, insects and diseases. Make sure you examine your corn plants at regular intervals for danger of infestation. Corn earworms are also pests that you need to watch out for and they usually have an affinity for sweet corn that they attack consistently every year. Moths deposit eggs on the leaves near the ear that grow into tiny caterpillars. The worms tend to feed on the tip of the ear. Nothing can be controlled once the worm enters the inside of the protective husk covering and the damage is inflicted.

To keep the earworms from entering the trip of the husk, you can wrap a rubber band around the tip of the ear or attach a clothespin after the corn silk appears. This won't harm your plant and will also keep the earworms out so that you don't lose your crop. Earworms can spread rapidly and we want to minimize their harm.

Next, make sure you spray an insecticide over your crop. The one that is used the most is called BT or Bacilulus Thuringiensis. This attacks and kills the larva of the insects before they mature. Like all chemical sprays, get all the safety information before you use it at your local shop. If you use too much, the corn will be too poisonous and not safe for human consumption. If you use too little, you won't kill the insect.

While planting corn seeds, a seed insecticide must be sprayed that will provide moderate protection against infestations of black cutworms, by undertaking all the necessary measures to protect your corn from the attack of any insects will result in more corn yields with less loss due to feeding damage by insects. Once the insects have infected the ear of the corn, the damage has been done and at that junction there is no reverse route. Your corn is destroyed and cannot be picked for eating purposes. This leads to loss and low corn yields thus spoiling the harvest for that year. A collaborative effort with innovative solutions to keep insects at bay will protect your corn not only form insects but allow it to thrive as well.

There are many ways to protect your corn against insects. Careful use of natural and chemical deterrents will keep your crop safe from insects and pest so that it grows to maturity and harvested in its entirety. Be vigilant and watch your crop carefully so you can get pest before they spread to any corn. Careful watching will ensure your crop stays safe.

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